Friday, March 22, 2013

Natural Solutions for Improving Challenges with Ears

Ear Testimonials 2013

(These testimonials are from people like you and me. We make NO MEDICAL CLAIMS – and we do not claim to heal or cure)    For more information call 713-725-1842 or email at   Have a blessed day.

We started as Wellness Consultants 4 years ago and have never  regretted our decision. Our products and the results we get with them DEMAND that we share these products with as many people as we can, with the hope that your health and lives can be changed for the better as ours has.  When Nikken came into my life 4 years ago, I had a serious foot problem that, (per two doctors) said would need to be resolved with foot surgery. When a good friend called me to tell me she had a solution to my foot problems and suggested I use magnets, I was neither impressed nor interested. Fortunately for me, she kept insisting that I try the magnetic insoles. After 3 days use, my feet quit
hurting. Next, I tried 2 "mini" promo pads and a far infrared knee wrap on a knee which I had been advised by my family doctor would need to be repaired surgically. After using the magnets and wrap for about 3 weeks, my knee also quit hurting. But this is the "Rest of the Story". I was born with a hereditary inner ear problem which caused me to be dizzy and/or nauseated every day and many days to the point to which I could not function. Since I have been using the Nikken Sleep System, magnetic insoles, neck chain and earrings, I have reduced my dizzy spells from daily to twice a year. That has made a drastic difference not only in my life, but also Dwight's.
Sharon Rosenbaum
My mom has had ringing of the ears for over 15 years, and no doctors could help. She feels it is somehow allergy related, because she was never around loud noises, etc. in the past. Usually this bothers her most when she lays down to sleep and she can really hear it loudly. She either puts the sleep mask behind her head (upper neck between ears), or puts the necklace on. I told her to just wear the necklace all the time, but she still hasn't gotten it. Anyway, when she does either of these two things, the noise subsides and she goes to sleep!
I had ringing in my ears every night for about 3 years. I would run the washer and dryer to drown it out at bedtime. I've been on the sleep system for about a year and I no longer have ringing. I don't remember how long before it stopped but it wasn't long.
I have helped two women with ringing in the ears by wearing the pearl earnings. My husband had this problem and just by sleeping on the pillow it has gone away. It took longer but it was well worth it. He no longer complains about a ringing that I could not hear. Or you could use some trimmings from the magsteps to be placed behind the ears by the lower lobe when not in public.
For buzzing in the ears, the sleep mask helped me tremendously. Also, have hears the new FIR headband helps immensely too. But also, need to watch diet....limit sugar and white flour. Diet is extremely important to all health problems. dairy products.
I have problems with my ears and felt a difference immediately after using the PalmMag. Now I use it for 15-20 min every morning and night. The doctor said my ears are fine now and before I was told I would be needing tubes in them.
I have had a significant hearing loss since infancy. I'm now 51. Four years ago I got my first set of hearing aids. Up until that time the technology was not good enough to accommodate my ears. I now have Oticon hearing aids with 10 bands of programmable information for each ear. I was introduced to Nikken 2 years ago and began wearing the necklace, magsteps, using the sleep system and the water, wearing the CardioStrides short, "doing Nikken" full blast. There has been no problem with the hearing aids or any decrease in their efficacy by using the magnetics.
I have a friend who wears a pair of ear muffs to bed at night, with a mini in each. He swears his hearing is improving.
Judy Phipps
A lady had an ear infection w/ sore throat and drainage. When I saw her, she was on her 17th day of antibiotics, which obviously weren't working. Pain ceased immediately after a rollout. Applied a super mini directly behind the earlobe. In 2 days the symptoms were gone and did not return. A man had repeated ear infections due to diabetes. Had an infection in one ear where he lost his hearing only because of scar tissue. His doctor said it would be a few years before he could operate to remove the scar tissue (the ear was raw). He wore the super mini 24/7 for 5 months and used the PalmMag for at least 15 minutes each day.
I have a friend who wears earmuffs to bed with minis in them. He swears his hearing is getting better.
My mother has complete deafness in one ear. Was told by the doc there isn't anything that can be done. Her other ear was about 50% and could hear if we talked loud, INTO that ear. She started using the super minis on the flat part of her face, close to each ear. Used only at night, and within two weeks she/we could tell a BIG difference. I noticed I didn't hear the tv BLAIRING when I got to her door, ON THE OUTSIDE. Went from not having any hearing in that one ear - to actually hearing. What a blessing. We can tell now IF she's been using her magnets or not by how loud we need to talk.
I heard a testimonial from Vance Rogers that using the Kenkowave around a person's ears helped two people who had hearing aids hear better. The WC who tried this did it to try to relieve an ear ache, and the person ended up hearing better, so she tried it on a second person who had a hearing aid with the same results.
When a Chiropractor talked me into getting off Synthroid in April, 2004, I lost my hearing in the left ear. I used the Kenko Wave around my ear and I got back some of my hearing.  I wanted to sleep in last Saturday morning, so I put on the Sleep Mask. When I got up, I felt moisture on my cheek. I used a cotton swab to wipe the moisture off on the inside of my ear, and have gained back 'all' of my hearing. I thank God for the day I joined Nikken. I have such a desire to help people and I pray that God will open some doors for me.
Jean Fradiska
My mother has complete deafness in one ear. Was told by the doc there isn't anything that can be done. Her other ear was about 50% good and could hear if we talked loud, INTO that ear. She started using the super minis on the flat part of her face, close to each ear.
Used only at night, and within two weeks she/we could tell a BIG difference. I noticed I didn't hear the TV blaring when I got to her door, ON THE OUTSIDE. Went from not having any hearing in that one ear to actually hearing. What a blessing. We can tell now IF she's been using her magnets or not by how loud we need to talk.

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