Saturday, June 25, 2011

Restore vitality to your life! Hope for carpal tunnel issues

A major nerve to the fingers (Median nerve) passes through an anatomic "tunnel" in our wrist.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a condition that occurs when too much pressure is placed on the
median nerve as it passes through the carpal tunnel. Symptoms are numbness of hand, tingling of fingers and weakness -- trouble holding onto objects.

(These testimonials are not endorsed by Nikken. They are from people like you and me. We make NO MEDICAL CLAIMS -- and we do not claim to heal or cure)

I had great success with a cousin who had carpal tunnel. She was in NC visiting from Indiana and we were there from SC. She complained of her wrists hurting and was planning to have surgery in a few weeks. Not having a lot of products with me, I broke open a Joint capsule and suggested that she rub her wrists with the compound. She used the pure "jel" a couple of times that evening and the next morning her wrists were not longer hurting. When she returned home, she started taking the Joint on a regular basis and to date has not had the surgery.
I have a relative who lives in England. He telephoned to speak with the family and mentioned that he was going to be operated on his hand for carpal tunnel. (By the way he is an electrician by trade.) He told me that he was scheduled for the surgery to be done in 3 weeks. Also that he would be loosing five weeks of work at the least. I told him to try our magnetic hand wrap first. He said he would be willing to try it. He received the hand wrap within 4 days and put it on that very night. He couldn't wear it during the day due to his job. The first two nights he had told me that his hand was worse. (I had mentioned to him that sometimes discomfort occurs, so he didn't give up wearing it.) By the third night the discomfort started lessening. Within 2 weeks, he had no discomfort at all. He went back to the surgeon and told him, "NO THANKS, I DO NOT NEED THE OPERATION, MY HAND IS FINE." He still wears the wrap at night and works during the day with absolutely no problem at all. He is discomfort free.
My mom had severe carpal tunnel that was documented by nerve studies. The Dr. said first one surgery and then 3 weeks later, the other one. Right after surgery, I ordered a bracelet for her and she canceled the surgery! She only has trouble if they slip up her arm during the night, so she tapes them at the wrist before going to bed. These are easier to wear (compliance) and they are prettier too. They contain both magnetic and FIR discs.
I have the aching forearm and use the bracelet, and a super mini with the far-infrared wrap over it are my products of choice. The key is to wear them long enough and get them in the right place. I also use the TENS to find the POINT where the magnet needs to go. I usually have two facing each other unless they are super minis then I might use one. I had this a few years ago and used two minis facing each other and an ankle wrap on my arm. I did this for two weeks 24/7. It did not reoccur for several years now I need to do it again. I love these products!!!
Jim & Pat
My wife had Repetitive Stress Syndrome and a friend of ours asked us to try the far infrared wrist band and two minis one on each side (didn't have the super mini at that time). It worked and that is why we became wellness consultants. She now wears a bracelet for maintenance and a elastomag wrist band when she plays golf. Another person who was scheduled for surgery tried the same process and ended up canceling her surgery because it worked for her as well.
Carol and Rich
I was praying every day in the year of 1997 for a miracle. You see, at that time, I was faced with the decision of surgery or take disability. After being in the dental field for 19 years, I was having agonizing discomforts, waist up, from the negative effects of doing repetitive upper body motions. My neck popped all of the time with any kind of movement. My working hand was partially numb, swelled and stiff. I was dropping instruments and in the presence of my patients! My elbow hurt all of the time. I could see only two patients, clean their teeth and then I would have to take a little break so someone could massage my neck and shoulders to be able to continue my day. My lower back hurt all of the time, too.

Needless to say, by bedtime, I was hurting so much that I could not sleep without taking something for the discomforts. Ethen, I would wake up 3-4 times during the night. You can imagine how I felt by morning... more tired, more stiff, more swelling, numbness in my hand and more irritable. I knew this could not continue. I did not like my choices of surgery, on my hand and wrist or disability. However, God did bring a miracle into my life September 20, 1997. A total stranger, another dental hygienist shared with me about these wonderful technologies and this great company. All of my discomforts disappeared after using these products for only a few weeks. Everyone is different, so it might take you longer to feel and see some relief. You won't know though until yu try them! My quality of life has certainly been greatly improved! I can not help but share this information with others. It would be robbing them of the gift of a better life. My mission in life is to, "uplift the human spirit and alleviate human suffering and to be a "difference maker".
Fredda Ernest, RDH -
I have several friends that have intense wrist discomfort and have done very well with the CM cream (a must), and a
kenkotherm wrap with a supermini placed under the wrap. It should be worn 24/7 until the discomfort subsides. In addition, a bracelet has been purchased so that the other items don't have to be worn and she wears it 24/7 and is doing great!
I have a friend that was scheduled for surgery, and was wearing wrist 'splints' that completely covered her hands, and was trying to continue working?? I talked her into using the simple little wrist wraps (elastomag), and continue working, she could use her hands (filing and typing), and was more comfortable. I was leaving on a trip, and told her to use them daily until I got back. Three weeks later, I stopped in at her office and apologized for not getting back sooner. She said and I quote "if you had come after them last week, I would have given them back and said they didn't help, but this week I have no pain and complete mobility', please let me keep them and I will pay to replace them,". That was two years ago, she has not had the surgery, wears the wrist wraps, in fact needs another pair, and has no problems anymore. She continues to wear them at work, but her wrists do not hurt anymore.
I have a repetitive motion problem with my wrist/hand. The discomfort occurs right at the center of the base of the palm, just below the wrist. I used to use the Elastomag Hand wrap, with a Kenkotherm ankle support below it. I would roll up the ends a bit and put my thumb through the hole for the heel. Without the FIR wrap, my hand and Elastomag wrap would be drenched in perspiration. The FIR wrap allowed me to wear the magnetic wrap literally all day in comfort. Upon the suggestion of a physician WC, I tried the Joint Complex and switched to the Elastomag & FIR wrist wraps. On occasion, I will use the CM cream. My results are at least as good as before, but with greater comfort because my hand is no longer covered.
For carpal tunnel, start working in the area of the arm muscles between the elbow and the wrist. Carpal tunnel is often misdiagnosed as a wrist problem when it can and many times is a neck and arm muscle problem. Try a neck wrap and use the Magboy in the fleshy part of the arm below the elbow, making sure to stroke up and down along the line of the arm, not back and forth across the muscle fibers. If the problem seems to be in both wrists, you can be fairly certain that it begins in the neck between the fourth and seventh cervical vertebrae. (C4-C7) Push your fingers into the muscles along side of the neck vertebrae, and when you find a tender spot on either or both sides, tape a mini there. (no need for a super mini, it penetrates more deeply than necessary.) Make sure you do not push too far in front of the vertebrae for fear of injuring the carotid arteries and the Jugular Veins. For immediate relief at the wrist, use the CM cream and a mini at the inside of the wrist. This should only be temporarily necessary as you attack the problem from its origin.
Dr. Tom Kirchhofer
I have had a lady who could work only 2 hours per day, stretched throughout an 8 hour day go to being able to work the entire day in two days. Another lady could not work at her computer. By putting a mini inside a far infrared wrist wrap she could immediately work all day. In another case a man had a hard time holding a hammer while being a carpenter. Putting on the elastomag wrist wrap helped him immediately. Magnets work almost immediately in relieving the signs and symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome and cumulative trauma disorders (CTD), also know as repetitive motion disorders Lawrence ----------------------------------------------------------------
I had CTS surgery on my left wrist before I had even heard of Nikken products and it was very successful. I now have CTS in my right hand and the bracelet, CM cream, super Mini, Elastomag Wrist wrap at night to immobilize it at night and this has kept me from having surgery. I get along fine day and night now. No progression of the CTS only regression of the symptoms.
Beth, RN
My father will be 83 the end of June, he just had the CTS surgery. I asked him to try the magnets first, but he wouldn't listen and had the surgery. There were about 15 - 18 stitches from the middle of his hand down through his wrist. As soon as he came home from the hospital, I put a mini on each side of his wrist, under the brace, and turned the PalmMag on. He kept using the PalmMag off and on every day. The surgery was on a Wednesday, he was supposed to go back to the doctors in 10 -14 days to have the stitches taken out (and remove the brace and sling). 4 days later he took off the brace and sling, and then drove himself to church (wasn't supposed to drive until after he saw the doctor). 9 days later he drove himself to the doctor who laughed at the idea that he had used magnets. But then he found out that my father had not taken one pain pill (he was given 90) and that the wound had healed up almost a months worth, instead of 9 days. The doctor said he had healed up pretty good for an old guy and that there may be something to these magnets after all.
I have CTS in both wrists. I have found the mini magnets alleviate the discomfort, pain and numbness. I wrap my wrists with a tensor wrap and slip the minis under the wrap against my skin. I leave them on until I feel relief which is usually between 12 to 24 hours. I am very active in home repairs using an assortment of power tools and I also play a lot of golf and play the piano, so it is important that I am pain free. This also allows me to get a proper night’s sleep.
I meet this person who told me he could not sleep more than 2 hours a night because of the discomfort in both of his wrists. He was nodding off at work when he would stop for a break or lunch. He bought 2 ElastoMag Hand Wraps and said he first night wearing them he slept better than he could remember and after a week he told me his wrists did not hurt anymore. I love sharing these products. They Work!
Chuck & Tracy
I have had wonderful results by wearing the FIR glove underneath the Elastomag hand wrap at night. I don't know why this makes a difference, since there is FIR in the wrap as well, but it does. My arm used to go numb at night from hand to elbow or above, and kept me from getting good sleep. Now it is very rare for me to be bothered, even though I am on the computer all day long. I also have a customer who was scheduled for surgery for CTS, bought an Elastomag wrap and has not had a problem since!

Hope for those with Chron's

Chron’s Testimonials (updated 5-10-10)
(These testimonials are not endorsed by Nikken. They are from people like you and me. We make NO MEDICAL CLAIMS -- and we do not claim to heal or cure)

Crohn's disease is a chronic and serious inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. People with Crohn's disease may experience a number of symptoms including diarrhea,
abdominal cramps and pain, fever, rectal bleeding, loss of appetite, and weight loss.

I wanted to share this testimonial with you.
Claudia Branham
I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease/ulcerative colitis in 1992. After the Dr’s told me that I would have this problem forever, I told them that they were wrong. I immediately started experimenting with different types of natural herbs, and supplements. I even drank a mushroom tea for over 5 years. All of these things would bring on relief of the symptoms, but after a while they would return again. In 2003 I was hospitalized for pneumonia, it moved into a state where the infection built up in a pouch between my left lung, and back wall. They put a drain tube in my back for 14 days, and could not get it to heal. We (the Dr’s, with a lot of input from ME) figured out that the prescription medication I was taking was actually knocking down my immune system, and causing me not to heal. 3 days after going off prescriptions, this condition was healed. Needless to say, after that whenever I got a cold I would take myself off the meds, and risk a flair-up, so I could recover from the cold faster. If you have a disease like this, after a time the inflammation starts to settle in your weak points, like arthritis, mine happened to be my ankles, I would walk from my house to the garage (about 30 feet) and have to sit in the car while my feet throbbed. I was thinking, “If this is what it is like at 36 years old, what will it be like at 66?”
I was introduced to Nikken products in August 2005. My first experience was the roll-out, for the first time in over 10 years, my feet got WARM! Then, I was loaned a pair of magsteps. For the first 3 days, my feet hurt worse than ever, I called the guy that gave them to me, and he said to leave them in my shoes, whatever I did, do not take them out! I followed directions, and on the 4th day, I woke up with NO pain, and full mobility, for the first time since I could remember. I slowly, and methodically started adding Nikken products to my home, the sleep system, because everyone should know that your body does its healing process during deep sleep. The water system, because when I take prescription medication, I get dehydrated. Then I started with a regimen of nutritionals, Lactoferrin Gold, Liver support, Immunity, The daily supplement, and several others. As of January 2007, I have been off all prescription medication for 10 months Now we live in a wellness home, and have so many stories, and testimonies, that we cannot put them all in writing. If this gives enough information to someone suffering from Chron’s or Colitis, then I feel I have accomplished something.
Donald Ross, Jr.
Concrete, Washington
I have had Chron's since I was a very young child. However nobody knew why I was having excruciating pain and had to lay in the fetal position, day in and day out. There wasn't a diagnosis for me at that time. By the time I was 18 the Disease had progressed to ulcerated fistulas imbedded in my intestines. I had to have surgery. I had 3 ft of my small and 1 ft of my large intestine removed and part of my ileum. I was discharged on large doses of prednisone, Donnatol and a medicine called Asulfadine. I was to continue this for the rest of my life. Oddly enough, I had a head on automobile accident on the Interstate. I lost control of my car and wound up going into oncoming traffic in the fast lane. I survived, obviously, but I acquired 4 herniated disc, in my upper and lower back. I was ordered to have surgery or I would wind up in a wheel chair. Which I refused, not wanting to be another statistic. This now began my addiction to pain medications. Therapy only helped for a short time so Pain Med's were IT. All these Chemicals were making my Crohn's worsen. Depressed and "ugly" mentally was my everyday attitude.

Nikken was introduced to me after 3 years of this suffering. A back flex was loaned to me. After eleven days I woke up without back pain. I thought it was all in my mind, but if it were, then why didn't it go away 3 years prior? I tried to disprove it and went to work that day without my percocett. The pain never came back that day and without my drugs! I wanted to see what else the company made. I attended a Wellness Preview and decided I wanted everything. To my chagrin, I did not have the money. I knew I had to have the products so my Mother loaned me her credit card. After sleeping on the sleep system, wearing the insoles and backflex, and necklace I had so much energy for the first time. As the newer products like the water and nutritional's came out I was using them as well not even knowing the miracle that was happening in my body and to my organs. My last 2 colonoscopys in the past 6 years show no evidence of Crohns. How could that happen? My Doctor says I wouldn't know you had this disease if I didn't know you. "Keep up your regime”, he said. Thank you, Nikken.
Dee Platt - 954-993-9542

What I have seen work is two Max magnets on the abdomen for Chron’s. Wear them under underwear by putting some velcro on the back to adhere to the clothes. 24 hrs a day for a month. Of course the sleep system and nutritionals are a must as well.
Dr. Joe Izzo
Dr. Becky Green is a Chiropractor and her number is 1-860-228-2484. She had Chron's disease really bad -- she couldn't eat any food would go right through her. She stayed on the sleep system and products for 8 months until her problem subsided. Now she has a life and looks wonderful and eats anything. But it took her EIGHT MONTHS. Luckily her MD encouraged her to 'keep doing Nikken', so she did.
Jean McMahon
I met a nurse who gave a testimony at our Wellness Preview who had Chrons. She wore a back flex magnet on her stomach constantly. Punched two holes in and tied with string around waist. She no longer has problems.
People with Chron’s should use a flex (the large magnet) and palm mag spun 30 mins twice a day over the area. It will take a week or two to start healing. Ultimately it will help settle down the Crohn's, with daily use. Add Grape seed extract 500 mg /day for 2-3 weeks and then taper back to 200-300 maintenance. Also add 6000mg/day of Vit C, 2000mg at bedtime as along acting cap and 2000mg 3 other times throughout the day. If they have a colostomy, they should add zinc oxide ointment to the colostomy site twice per day or at each bag change. Zinc oxide heals skin lesions.
Dr. Pawluk
I was diagnosed with Chrons 23 yrs ago and 6 yrs before they said it was ulcerative colitis. I went 19 yrs using natural things as much as possible. Then in '96, I had my first surgery for a perforated colon (the Crohns ate through it), 15 mo. later another surgery for adhesions. I found out about Nikken 6mo. after my first surgery.
The nutritional products really helped me!! I use the back belt & flex & mini comforter every night, at home I wear the far infrared long under wear & elastomag vest during the day. When I go out I wear the belts, also one of the vests. To summarize I really recommend the magnetics & FIR on the area of discomfort & the nutrition. Of course we're on the sleep system. I'd be glad to do a 3 way. My phone # is 406-443-1977
I was diagnosed with Chrons Disease about six years ago and went to the Chrons Clinic in Chapel Hill. I have this disease in my small intestine. Less than 5% of the persons having this disease have it there. The surgical solution is not as easy as in the large intestine. I have never had surgery but it has taken me 5 years to get off steroids and a lot of other expense, high powered, bad for you, drugs. I have been taking 6mp, (a drug used to treat leukemia in children) and pentasa. When I started taking the nutritionals, I could tell the difference almost immediately. I couldn't remember if I had taken my Chrons medicine or not. Then, I started to monitor not taking the medicine at all. I was able to get off the medication entirely in about three weeks. That has been over three months now and I feel the best I have felt in years. I would not have attempted this without the knowledge of what the sleep system
does for you particularly the comforter, with my condition. These products are wonderful they have changed my life!!!!

My cousin has Crohns and was looking for answers, but wasn't sure about this "Magnet Thing". A fellow consultant led me to a gentleman who had this condition since he was 12. He readily agreed to do a 3-way with my cousin. He shared that his life battle with Crohns and multiple medications led to 12 surgeries, and often feeling as if he couldn't make it one more day. When he started on the insoles and flex - he was on 18 medications. Originally he didn't use the sleep system. He didn't notice much difference after a couple weeks, then was persuaded to give the sleep system a try. After a week, he noticed having more energy. He then also noticed that if he kept the flex on his tummy, things went better than when he didn't. Also, he noticed a difference with using the insoles. After three months he was able to start getting off his meds. Several months later he was off all meds, and feels like a "normal human being"!! My cousin decided that this was worth a shot. She noticed very similar results, except she uses a super-mini on her tummy. She also had terrible problems with cramps once a month, missing a day or two of work. With the super-mini in place, she now doesn't have this issue!!
Blessings to all, Vicki Wright
I have a friend who has much improvement with sleep system including both kenkopad and FIR comforter. Wears a couple of Max magnets in a belt as the flex was too bulky. Has been able to reduce her medication and have far fewer flare-ups. If stressed uses the comforter during the day.
Doris Yoder
My niece has Crohn's and gets great benefit from the back flex worn over the abdomen, and the Far infra red comforter sample as well as sleeping on the system. I have ulcerative colitis (very similar to Crohn's) and use as many products as I can, bed, comforter, magsteps, PiMag water concentrate and my symptoms are under control without having to use medication.
Jennifer Coleman had severe Crohn's disease. She said it was like having the flu 24/7/365. The sleep system and the nutritional products helped tons. She can now eat, she does have the symptoms. She has a life back. The magnetic products, the nutritionals – the basic plus immunity, and the water products all had major positive results with Jennifer.
Just received a letter from Teresa Tapp yesterday about using Jade Greenzymes and how she has been using this nutritional support for people with Crohns disease with much success. She has been working with people suffering from Crohn's for about 15 years so I would take her advice. Teresa only deals with quality and what works.
Sue Fetzner
A man in our organization has had excellent results controlling Crohn's disease. He uses GreenZymes 3 times a day (start with only 1 pack and build up), PiMag water system and water bottle when traveling, a flex to his stomach, insoles and sleep system.
Piwater will gently sooth the intestines and allow a person to increase their level of hydration which will make all systems function better. Jade Greenzymes will give the complete nutrition they need so that all systems can work better. Not sure exactly what CIAGA does, but do know that my cousin's doctors were blown away with the fact that she not only was in remission, but a colonoscopy showed *no* scar tissue!! – apparently unheard of; and that was after only 3 weeks of taking it once/day (she had been on the hospice list. (hers was not a minor case).
Sally Santeford