Thursday, December 3, 2020

Discover the Gift of Giving wellness.


How Are You Celebrating the Holidays?

The year 2020 will go down in history as the beginning of a major change in lifestyles everywhere in the world. Even after Covid-19 is under control, the focus on health and wellness will remain as a higher priority than ever before. Aside from the fear and havoc that the virus has wreaked, it has also highlighted the importance of eating properly, maintaining an efficient immune system and sacrificing a modicum of individual comfort for the greater good.

The three major holidays that are celebrated in December in North America are Hanukkah, Christmas and Kwanzaa. Each revolves around family and shared beliefs, gift-giving and community spirit. This year, with Thanksgiving acting almost like a rehearsal for December holidays, gatherings are likely to be small and limited. Many people will be completely alone—although this is true every year, there is more focus now on finding joy and gratitude no matter what our situation.

Kim Eisenberg, LCSW and lead therapist at a trauma recovery program, explains that creating a meaningful experience is possible even during disappointment. She says, “It is important to accept reality as it is…Once we’re able to do that, we can simultaneously start to look at the ways we can still find meaning, purpose, joy and connection. We are lifted up and out of our own pain and suffering when we do things that are helpful to others. So, even if you’re physically isolated, that might look like volunteering to teach a class or host a group online. Look for ways to reach out to others and support causes and communities that you care about to provide some offset to the loneliness and isolation.”1

Social distancing, sheltering in place, and the wearing of cloth face coverings are the new norm in a world with COVID-19—therefore, gifts that align with these “new norms” may be extremely thoughtful and useful. If recent economic changes have affected your friends and family, find out what types of things they may need (such as household essentials) and come up with gift ideas based on their most important needs.2

Online shopping, if not already your chosen form of purchasing, will rise to the top this year. No need to brave the crowds when a few clicks can have your gifts drop shipped to the recipients. This has been the Nikken way for many years, and during December, there’s the Holiday Catalog to help with gift ideas.

Nikken products help give comfort throughout the year in so many ways—from filling in nutritional gaps to promoting an active lifestyle tailored to individual needs. We are here to support you through our Global Wellness Community. Whatever you celebrate, please do it safely to keep you and your loved ones healthy. We wish you a December full of Active Wellness and joy

For more information on Nikken Products for improved life quality for you or your loved ones go to  or call 281-980-1070 for a live person to help you with questions or ordering.

Grace and Peace to each of you.


Thursday, October 22, 2020


Your Spine is the Key to Bone and Joint Health

Bone and joint conditions worldwide are the most common cause of severe long-term pain and physical disability: musculoskeletal conditions include back pain, arthritis, traumatic injuries, osteoporosis, spinal deformity and childhood conditions.As life expectancies lengthen and changes in risk factors intensify, these conditions are expected to increase, unless new treatments and preventive measures are found.

With the challenges of Covid-19 affecting people globally, lockdown and business closure restrictions have led to a decrease in physical activities. Being less active makes people more susceptible to bone and joint issues, specifically in the form of spinal pain and disability. World Spine Day is annually on October 16 and this year, it’s particularly important to pay attention to spinal health for well-being.

Active Wellness promotes regular physical activity, which is one important component of spinal health. Good posture, using your knees when lifting heavy objects, and keeping your work environment safe are simple behaviors to adhere to. Yet, most of us tend to slip up and slouch, lift with straight legs and keep a fair amount of clutter around us. World Spine Day reminds us to stay disciplined and at the very least, sit up straight!

Experts estimate that as much as 80% of the population will experience a back problem at some time in their lives, with an estimated one billion people worldwide with spinal pain.2 Most cases of back pain tend to be mechanical and non-organic. This means they are not caused by serious conditions, such as inflammatory arthritis, infection, fracture or cancer.

The spine is a complex structure of bones, joints, ligaments and muscles. Ligaments can be sprained, muscles easily strained, disks can be ruptured and joints, irritated—all leading to back pain. Poor posture, obesity and psychological stress also can cause back pain. Organic causes can be arthritis, kidney stones, kidney infections, blood clots or bone loss. Here are 10 tips to keep your spine, and therefore your bones and joints, healthy:

•            Maintain a healthy diet and weight.

•            Stay consistently active. Do whatever your body is comfortable with, but keep doing it every day.

•            Stand and sit properly. (Do not slouch and try to keep the hips level.)

•            Wear comfortable, low-heeled shoes that support your feet. Make sure the shoe is snug at the back of the heels. This helps prevent rolling of the foot either to the inside or the outside.3

•            Lift with your knees and don’t twist your body when you’re carrying a weight.

•            Never smoke. Smoke impairs blood flow, which deprives the spinal tissues of oxygen and nutrients.

•            Keep your spine aligned when sleeping. Back sleepers can place a pillow beneath the knees to reduce stress on the lower back. Side sleepers can place a pillow between the knees to keep the hips balanced.

•            Make sure you include enough calcium in your diet to keep bones strong. Kenzen BDZ® and Kenzen® Calcium Complex are your bone buddies.

•            Manage any pain you have with the help of a health practitioner or physical therapist, and avoid opiates as much as possible.

•            Relief from joint discomfort is available in the form of Nikken CM Complex Cream and Kenzen® Joint.

For more information on the products referenced go to

Blessings to you and your family....Grace and Peace,   Shalom.

President Donald J Trump ultimate inspirational tribute

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

A post to help you life quality improve


Super Yummy and Really Good for Us!

“Everything in moderation.” The essential thought is found in the work of the Greek poet Hesiod (c.700 bc), who wrote ‘observe due measure; moderation is best in all things’, and of the Roman comic dramatist Plautus (c. 250–184 bc), who wrote ‘moderation in all things is the best policy.’These wise words are especially prudent when it comes to delicious food that may have high calories or may not be the best for us. When something is delicious and beneficial, double bonus! Such is the case with cacao or cocoa powder.

Cacao beans are a source of flavonoids, with the primary type present being flavanols. Cacao beans come from the fruit of the tree known as Theobroma cacao. Theobroma means “food of the gods” and aptly, cacao beans not only contain flavanols but also nearly 400 other identified compounds.2

Flavanols are a type of plant nutrient found in many foods and drinks, such as tea, red wine, blueberries, apples, pears, cherries, and peanuts. They are particularly abundant in cacao beans. Fermenting, drying, and roasting cacao beans yields cocoa powder, which is used to make chocolate. Flavanols in cocoa have been studied for many years. Decades of research and more than 100 published studies have demonstrated the benefits of daily cocoa flavanol consumption, including supporting a healthy heart, blood pressure, brain health and cognition, circulation and skin health. 3 They have been shown to help lower blood pressure, improve blood flow to the brain and heart, prevent blood clots, and fight cell damage.4

With the emerging recognition of the beneficial effects of flavanols, there has been a shift in commercial production towards chocolate forms with high flavanol content.5 Cocoa powder can contain as little as 10% fat and has up to 6% by weight, flavanols. It also has minerals (Magnesium, Copper, Vitamin K and Calcium), protein, and fiber in modest amounts. The main flavanols present in the cocoa powder are catechins and epicatechins.

Italian researchers tested the effects of cocoa flavanols in 90 healthy 61- to 85-year-olds whose memories and thinking skills were in good shape for their ages. Participants drank a special brew of cocoa flavanols each day. One group’s brew contained a low amount of cocoa flavanols (48 mg a day), another’s contained a medium amount (520 mg), and the third’s contained a high amount (993 mg).

After eight weeks, people who consumed medium and high amounts of cocoa flavanols every day made significant improvements on tests that measured attention, executive function, and memory. The findings were published online in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. A similar study by these researchers published in 2012 showed that daily consumption of cocoa flavanols was associated with improved thinking skills in older adults who did have thinking problems, a condition called mild cognitive impairment. And both studies found that cocoa flavanols were associated with reduced blood pressure and improved insulin resistance. 6

Formulated to help people reach their recommended daily allowance of fruit and vegetables, in other words, to eat an Active Wellness diet, Kenzen® Total Vegan Drink Mix was designed with children in mind. It therefore “hid” its four recommended daily servings of veggies and fruits per serving/scoop with delicious chocolate flavor.

When you check out the ingredient listing of Kenzen Total Vegan Drink Mix, you’ll see that the second ingredient is Organic Cacao Powder. The formulation of this powdered green superfood is proprietary, but we can tell you that there are 3.15g of Organic Cacao in each 6.3g serving. That’s a significant amount, based on studies mentioned above, so whether you’re trying to get veggies into a child or feeding your own adult heart and brain, it doesn’t get easier than this!  Just add water and get a delicious chocolate beverage that is really good for the body and mind: triple bonus!

For more information on this product go to

Monday, September 14, 2020


Is Your Appetite Changing with the Seasons?

Have you noticed if your appetite changes with the seasons? Do you eat more when the weather is colder? In cooler weather, your body needs to burn more calories to maintain body temperature. To protect your health and keep you warm, the system that controls appetite signals you to eat more.1

There have been studies done to determine why our appetites vacillate. In one study, subjects consumed about 200 more calories a day beginning in the fall when the days grew darker.2 Another study explained that humans are very light-sensitive and when there is less of it, we tend not only to eat more but also to eat faster!3

Other experts believe the environment causes us to eat more, not the changing season. They believe that being inside all day with less activity and fewer opportunities to exercise, contribute to increased food intake.4 The holiday season is an obvious example of environmental influences in food consumption: we eat certain high-caloric foods during the holidays and even crave them during that time of year.

A common question related to increased food consumption is, “Will I gain weight because I eat more in the cooler months?” The answer may seem obvious; however, it’s not as simple as it may seem. The logic behind this question is that the increased calories will add body fat. This is not necessarily correct, because weight gain depends not only on the amount we eat but also on what we eat.

The role that the hormone insulin plays in fat accumulation helps determine whether or not we gain weight. Insulin is produced when we eat complex or simple sugars. Its main function is to usher sugar into our cells to be used for energy. When our cells are getting enough energy from sugar, insulin will signal the leftover sugar to be stored as fat, so it can be used as needed in the future if food is sparse. Contrary to carbs, dietary fat doesn’t spike insulin and therefore doesn’t get stored as body fat. Instead, it provides a steady energy source, and is excellent for brain health and immunity.5

Another reason some of us eat more during colder weather is simply due to boredom or depression because we can’t get motivated to go out in the cold. Even an advocate of Active Wellness can have a day lacking in motivation once in awhile. Eating comfort foods is a known escape mechanism, so the key is to be mindful and eat because you are hungry. In other words, stay in tune with your body and make sure you actually feel hunger, not boredom.

Also, keep to your exercise routine, whether it’s a daily walk in the cool brisk air or an indoor mat workout. And, remember there’s help to stay on the right food regimen with high protein, low fat options such as Kenzen Vital Balance® Meal Replacement Mix to which you can blend in healthy fruits and even veggies. For an antioxidant boost, simply add Kenzen® Super Ciaga powder.

For more information on these products that you  can share with your health care professionals and other and to acquire should you decide, go to on American flag, products/nutrition. 

I pray you will find a better quality of life because of this post.

Grace and peace to you all.

1, 5


Thursday, September 10, 2020

Taking Care of your Bones in this Pandemic and going forward.


Be Sure to Take Care of Your Bones While Housebound!

As we are staying home more than usual during these unprecedented times, we tend to be less physically active. We need to make a special effort to get our bodies moving on a daily basis, not only for our health’s sake but specifically to keep our bones strong. Here’s why it’s so important to keep up the practice of Active Wellness:

  • When bones and muscles do not get adequate stimulation, that is, through movement and exercise, bone resorption quickens. Bone resorption refers to bone loss. 1
  • Vitamin D levels are critical for bone health, and staying indoors decreases exposure to the sun, the natural source of vitamin D.
  • We might be making fewer trips to shop for fresh groceries and eating fewer fresh leafy green vegetables, fruits, and dairy products, all good sources of calcium and vitamin D. Eating ready-made or processed foods may deprive us the nutrients that are necessary to help protect, build and maintain bones.
  • Strength-building and weight-bearing exercises provide great stimulation to the bone cells and help to increase bone mineral density and bone size. The good news is that these types of exercises can be accomplished by stair climbing, walking, lifting weights and dancing, all of which can be accomplished indoors.
  • Decreasing contact with others and staying homebound can cause mental stress. Social media shows evidence of increased smoking and alcohol intake by members of various age groups. Unfortunately, smoking and excessive alcohol intake contribute to bone loss and weakening of bones by reducing blood supply to the bones, slowing production of bone-forming cells and impairing the absorption of calcium.2

In summary, there are simple things to do to help maintain bone health. They’re the same habits we should form even when we have the freedom of going out whenever we want:

  • Eat a healthy diet that’s rich in calcium and vitamin D. If your access to fresh food is limited, remember that staples such as canned beans and canned fish contain calcium and protein.
  • Set aside 30 minutes a day to exercise. If you can go outdoors and enjoy sunshine for some of that time, even better.
  • Maintain your body at a weight that is comfortable for you. This is not a time to try and lose a lot of weight. In fact, being too thin makes you more likely to get osteoporosis, but carrying too much weight can increase the risk of falling or leading to a more sedentary lifestyle.
  • Ensure your home environment is free of clutter and any obstacles that may cause you to fall. Now more than ever, staying fracture-free is critical, especially if you already have osteoporosis.3 Minimize the need to go to a hospital.
  • Ensure a daily calcium intake that is age-appropriate.

If you don’t normally take a nutritional supplement to help boost your bone health, this may be the perfect time to start. Why not try Kenzen BDZ® and Kenzen® Calcium Complex? At Nikken, we call them“bone buddies”because they are formulated to work together. Kenzen BDZ™ helps the body absorb calcium with three patented blends that research has shown to help preserve bone structure and strength and to build healthy bones.*

For more information and ordering of these products go to

Click on the American flag and go to Nutrition Products.   We share information for you to make an informed decision best for you.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Thursday, August 27, 2020


Do You Know What Beta Glucans Are?

Medical experts have routinely stated that having a strong immune system is important for all people, especially for those more vulnerable to illness, that is, the elderly, chronically ill and immune-compromised. Consumers are looking for products and ingredients that help immune systems and beta glucans are one of the newest. They’re well-grounded in science with more than 1,000 published articles in the scientific literature attesting to their efficacy.1

Beta glucans are chains of glucose molecules that are naturally present and act as storage depots and structural components in bacteria, fungi, algae and cereals. Their chemical structure and composition as well as their molecular weight affect the extent to which they can stimulate and support the immune system. Beta glucans exert a prebiotic effect on the GI tract: they specifically fuel beneficial GI microbiota, enabling them to flourish and compete against pathogenic bacteria for space and food.

 While we think of the digestive tract primarily as the organ for digesting food and absorbing nutrients, it is also the body’s largest immune organ. Approximately 70% of immune cells reside in the human intestine.3 Feeding and maintaining the health of intestinal cells maintains GI tract integrity so it can act as a physical barrier to invading pathogens.

Because beta glucans are a type of soluble fiber, it can slow down the process of food moving through the intestines. By slowing down the digestive process, the body doesn’t absorb sugar as quickly and this helps stabilize blood sugar levels, an important benefit especially for diabetics. As beta glucans travel through the entire digestive tract, it can help transport cholesterol out, helping to lower levels. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved a heart-healthy label for foods that have high amounts of beta glucan, based on this evidence.4

Like many fibers, beta glucans are available in supplement form. They are also found in various types of fungi, such as maitake and reishi mushrooms. Less known ingredients such as inulin and spirulina are also sources of beta glucans. More commonly, beta glucans are found in whole grains, oats, bran, wheat and barley.

Dietary fiber is sourced from plant-based foods, another good reason to incorporate them into an Active Wellness regimen. Many Nikken nutritional supplements contain an assortment of beta glucans. Check out Kenzen® Immunity, Kenzen® Cleanse & Detox, Kenzen Lactoferrin® 2.0, Kenzen Vital Balance® Meal Replacement Mix, Kenzen® Jade GreenZymes®, Kenzen® Digestion 4-20 and Kenzen® Total Vegan Drink Mix...

For information on Nikken Nutrition and its line of products go to  under USA Products



Are You Gaining Weight While Staying Home?

Nobody has yet done an assessment of how COVID-19 has impacted the nation’s weight—in fact, there are reports that some people are losing weight. But John Morton, MD, MPH, MHA, medical director of bariatric surgery at Yale New Haven Health System, says he has seen patients in telehealth appointments who have gained five, 10, and even 30 pounds.1

In fact, the global pandemic has disrupted life in major ways: Gym and park closures have upended exercise routines, parents have had to work at home while teaching their children, and elective medical checkups have been postponed, whereas updates on blood pressure, AC1 and cholesterol numbers would have been motivation to think about weight.

WebMD readers in the U.S. cited a number of reasons for their weight gain in a poll conducted on May 17. About 72% reported a lack of exercise. About 70% said they’ve been stress eating. An overwhelming 59% said both a lack of exercise and stress eating were a problem, and 21% attributed it to extra alcohol consumption. The same poll conducted among international readers on May 18 found 73% cited lack of exercise, 35% stress eating, and 17% to drinking more alcohol.2

Purpose gives direction, and it helps when it comes to weight management. A few pounds short term may not make a difference. It could be fluid. It might be just a little weight gain while we establish new routines. Obviously, the more weight we gain and the longer it’s maintained, the more it affects our health.

According to the Mayo Clinic, for example, it’s been shown that children’s weight tracks to some extent. If children establish those habits, or lack of healthy habits when they’re young and they gain weight, that might persist as they go into adolescence and adulthood.3 This is a great time to role model healthy eating habits. In fact, cooking can be a family affair and a source of quality time.

With adults, it’s more important for some people than others to manage weight. Weight gain of a few pounds can hurt people who have diabetes or high blood pressure, as the extra weight can increase their blood glucose and blood pressure.4 So, it’s important to establish new habits that help maintain a healthy weight even when we are sequestered at home.

Here are a few tips on keeping unwanted poundage off by practicing Active Wellness:

• Create a daily routine. Include wake-up time, bed time and meal times. Even if you are working at home now, adhere to a schedule.

• If you are home more than usual, take the time to learn about healthy foods and do more cooking. Restaurant food is generally higher in calories but when you’re the cook, you can focus on whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean meats.

• Control your portions. Practice eating until you’re 70% to 80% full.

• Eat proteins first, because they will make you feel full. Too many carbohydrates can cause swings in blood sugar.

• If you simply do not cook and have no interest in it, resist ready-made processed foods. Instead choose a healthy meal replacement drink like Kenzen Vital Balance® Meal Replacement Mix at least once daily. It’s high in plant protein, MCTs and sweetened with all-natural, zero-calorie monkfruit.

• For those with finicky children, keep offering fruits and vegetables but don’t add more stress if they refuse them. Kenzen® Total Vegan Drink Mix is a yummy alternative that delivers four recommended daily servings of vegetables and fruits with a single scoop.

• Schedule regular exercise. Exercise is not the main factor for weight loss, but it plays a role in keeping weight off as well as helping loosen stiff joints. Remember the simple rule that fewer calories consumed than expended is what produces weight loss. There are many ways to exercise at home.

• Get a good night’s sleep. Those who do not get restful sleep tend to gain weight!

• Decide how to manage stress. Meditation, prayer, yoga, listening to soothing music, playing a musical instrument, reading, etc. It all depends on what relaxes you best. Enjoy the time you have at home and stay healthy and active!

More information about Vital Balance and other great Nikken nutrition is available at  under USA Products

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Answer to Why Iron is so Important to Gut Health

Why Iron is so Important to Gut Health

IBS stands for Irritable Bowel Syndrome and is a fairly common disease that afflicts between 10 and 15% of the general population in the United States. IBS affects the digestive system and generally causes stomach cramps, bloating, diarrhea, constipation or any combination of symptoms. It’s particularly annoying because the cause may remain unknown and the condition can linger for weeks, months or years.
Evidence is building with researchers that sufferers of IBS may have unhealthy microbiomes—this means their good gut flora (good bacteria) is lacking. When the balance of the gut flora is disturbed, unpleasant gastrointestinal symptoms arise. There are new clues that an ongoing disturbance in gut flora could contribute to the onset of IBS.1
Suffering from both anemia and IBS is relatively common and there is a logical reason behind it.Anemia is a common blood disorder where there is a shortage of red blood cells. Anemic people are usually fatigued, because red blood cells are the ones that carry oxygen. There are many types of anemia, but the most common type is due to low iron or low vitamin B12 levels in the blood.
Iron is stored in the body in a protein called ferritin; therefore, monitoring ferritin levels can help prevent iron deficiency. Also, it’s important to know why you have low iron or B12 levels. Oftentimes, it’s because you don’t absorb them well. People with IBS and related digestive problems often have a problem absorbing nutrients since both diarrhea and constipation cause malabsorption.3
Since iron supplements can exacerbate IBS symptoms with increased bloating, constipation and sometimes diarrhea4, natural foods that are high in iron may prove easier on the digestive tract. Plant sources of iron include dark leafy greens, potatoes, tomatoes, lentils, soybeans and nuts. Animal sources of iron include beef, chicken liver and egg yolks. Pescatarian options include tuna, mackerel, clams and oysters.
There is a limited amount of time to absorb iron from food—it’s primarily absorbed in the third of the small intestine known as the duodenum. As food transits past the duodenum, there is still an opportunity for iron absorption but less so.5 Given the short amount of time iron from food can be absorbed, helping its chances of absorption are important. That is precisely where Kenzen Lactoferrin® 2.0 comes in!
Kenzen Lactoferrin 2.0 is not an iron supplement. As noted by nutritionists and researchers, elemental iron is not only hard to absorb but may actually make IBS symptoms worse. The Lactoferrin 2.0 solution is to help the body to better utilize and balance the iron in the body.* This is accomplished with the special delivery system that Lactoferrin 2.0 provides. Lactoferrin is in fact a protein that binds and transports iron, that is, using the iron that’s already in the body rather than adding external sources of iron.Screen Shot 2020-04-15 at 9.52.57 AM
Consumers of Kenzen Lactoferrin 2.0 are diehard fans for life. Whether you have stomach issues or not, properly absorbing and utilizing the iron in your body is bound to accelerate Active Wellness.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
For more  information and to order Lactoferrin 2.0 go to:

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Organic Nutrition for you to consider

Organic or Synthetic Vitamins, the Choice is Yours

Natural nutrients are those that are obtained from whole food sources in the diet, while synthetic nutrients are usually created artificially through an industrial process. Since most of us do not consume enough fruits and veggies in our lives, we look to vitamins and other dietary supplements to fill in the gaps.
The accepted view in the world of vitamins is that “synthetic nutrients are almost chemically identical to those found in food”1. However, the production process of synthetic nutrients is very different to the way plants and animals create them. That is why our bodies may react differently to synthetic nutrients than to organically grown ones. In other words, when we eat fruits and vegetables, we are consuming an entire range of vitamins and minerals that are naturally sourced. When we consume synthetic vitamins, we are eating single nutrients that have been purposely combined into a supplement.
Those who are proponents of synthetic vitamins argue that vitamins are simply chemicals, regardless of how they are derived. If the molecular structure is the same, then supposedly it will behave the same way in the human body.Even though synthetic vitamins are produced under strict regulation, the Vitamins and Nutrition Center still notes that they are “produced in a laboratory from coal-tar derivatives.”3 Those who are opposed to synthetic vitamins point out that other chemicals are sometimes used and even when found to be safe, are not naturally occurring in any foods that humans eat.4
The debate between organic supplementation vs. synthetic vitamin usage rages on, especially since the majority of vitamins found in the marketplace are synthetic and priced competitively. There is no hard proof that one is better than the other, but scientists continue to make discoveries in bioactive components — they are leaning towards food-based multivitamins as being much more likely to supply the bioavailable form of nutrients because they are made with the most natural sources.5 Scientists also note that food-based supplements often include phytonutrients that come specifically from plants and their health benefits come from synergistic combinations not available in synthetics.6
 Nikken chooses organic whenever possible. Kenzen® Mega Daily 4 comes in two gluten-free formulas: one specifically geared to Women and one for Men. Both formulas are multivitamins that are far more than your typical vitamin. They’re formulated with organic vegetables that provide both water-soluble and fat-soluble antioxidants. They include every type of vegetable phytonutrient derived from the entire spectrum of red, orange, yellow, tan and green vegetables. MegaDaily4The women’s formula includes a blend of green tea, dong quai and grape seed extract to address the common effects of premenstrual syndrome, menopause and other female concerns.* The men’s formula contains turmeric, green tea extract, saw palmetto and Pygmeum africanum to support a healthy prostate and male-specific nutritional concerns.*

For more information and order of these products go to *These
statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Take Care of Mom...and the whole family...the way she takes care of you

Take Care of Mom the Way She Takes Care of You!

Mothers take care of their families as top priorities and as primary caretakers, they often suffer from self-neglect. It’s up to the family to help take care of mom and to show her she’s loved! Globally, there are different ways to honor mom and various dates for Mother’s Day but in the United States, it is believed to have started in 1905 by a woman named Anna Jarvis. She wanted to remember her mother who passed away that year. By 1908, the first celebration of that holiday took place when Anna Jarvis held a public memorial for her mother.In North America and many other regions, Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May. This year, it’s on May 10.
In truth, mothers should be honored every single day of the year and there are many ways to do it without spending large amounts on symbolic gifts. The little things we do every day really count, and sometimes the simplest gestures do the most good. For example, even young children can be taught how to make a shake, so why not teach them to make shakes for mom? Mom feeds the family, so every family member can contribute and help feed mom and keep her on the Active Wellness path.
With Kenzen Vital Balance® Meal Replacement Mix, two scoops in some PiMag® water and you’ve got a nutritious meal in the form of a vanilla shake. Add a scoop of Kenzen Super Ciaga™ powder to the mix and you have a berry shake! You can’t go wrong whether you serve mom at breakfast, lunch or in between meals when she’s working hard. And if mom is the type that likes a lighter meal for dinner, two scoops in some milk or PiMag® water and dinner is served!
You certainly don’t have to wait until Mother’s Day to treat mom to some TLC. KVB is certified organic, a breakthrough in the shake/meal replacement industry. It has “brain food” from organic MCTs from coconut milk, BioFolate™ added to help produce neurotransmitters and naturally-sourced plant protein to keep mom’s metabolism firing to help manage weight and burn fat.Screen Shot 2020-04-27 at 8.26.09 AM
Mom needs all the muscle she can get, and KVB helps her maintain and build a lean physique. According to HealthFocus, muscle health/tone is now the top benefit consumers associate with a high-protein diet.If mom’s a vegetarian, she’ll appreciate the organically-sourced protein from pea, rice and chlorella. If she’s a die-hard carnivore, KVB can help her incorporate vegetable-protein into her diet and reduce her nutritional footprint.
When you add Kenzen Super Ciaga™ powder to KVB, you really help mom power up! Screen Shot 2020-04-27 at 8.37.27 AMWith only 10 calories per serving and no processed sugar, it adds superfruit antioxidants to the protein mix. In fact, both are sweetened with monkfruit, which has no calories but carries its own range of antioxidant goodness. With a high ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) of 5,000, Super Ciaga helps to support a healthy immune system as well as cardiovascular health.* It’s a wonderful way to keep mom keep her defense system strong to withstand all the stress that comes with working and taking care of the whole family!
Happy Mother’s Day from Nikken to mothers everywhere! We love you and want you to stay safe!

For more information on these great nutritional products go to , click on  Nutritional Products.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

How Clean is Your Drinking Water?

If your water looks, smells, and tastes just fine — is it? And if you purchase any of the multitude of branded bottled waters, do you know whether they’re prefiltered? Our human senses, unfortunately, can’t always detect microbial and organic contaminants.
Even as you diligently practice Active Wellness, you might go years before realizing a problem exists. Many folks never become suspicious until people in the community start to get sick. Water near agricultural areas may contain harmful organic material from pesticide or fertilizer applications. Chemicals from pesticides and fertilizers in water may increase the risk of life-threatening diseases and/or the impairment of the body’s many complex functions. Similar problems can result from exposure to water near industrial plants.
According to the U.S. EPA, there are two groups of water contaminants: acute and chronic. Acute effects occur within hours or days of exposure to a contaminant, while chronic effects occur over many years, depending on the level of exposure and the number of contaminants.1
The U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has set standards for more than 80 contaminants that may occur in drinking water and pose a risk to human health. Heavy metals make up many of these as do bacteria, viruses and specifically, chlorine and chloramine, commonly used in municipal water systems to disinfect but cumulatively have negative effects of their own. Chloramine, or chloramination, is a treatment method employed by public water systems. More than one in five Americans uses drinking water treated with chloramines. 2
Acute contaminants typically do not have permanent effects, as most people’s bodies can fight off microbial contaminants the way they fight off germs. However, when high enough levels occur, they can make people ill, and depending on your state of health, can even be endangering to overall health.
On the other hand, drinking water contaminants that can have chronic effects include chemicals (such as disinfection byproducts, solvents and pesticides), radionuclides (such as radium), and minerals (such as arsenic). Examples of these chronic effects include cancer, liver or kidney problems, or reproductive difficulties.3
Extended through the end of this month, you can purchase a PiMag Waterfall® at a 20% discount. This outstanding multiple filtration system does not require a plug or batteries—simply replace the filter every three to six months, depending on usage. In addition to reducing particulates, the PiMag Waterfall exceeds ANSI/NSF standards for the removal of chloramine, chlorine, cysts and lead while reducing bacteria by more than 99.99%.
Consider washing fruits and veggies and cooking with this water to get the best benefit from it.
To learn more about the PiMag Waterfall and purchase if you desire, go to    and then the water products.

Kathy and I have  used this filter since 2006 and have helped people all over the world have peace of mind with quality alkaline water.